Anatomy & Physiology - 03112005S - Period 4
General Information
Instructor: Ms. Bacon (Room 317a)
Room Phone #: (913) 627- 7050 Ext. 7093
Course Description
Anatomy & Physiology is a course designed to take a deeper look into the human body and all of its parts and functions. This course will not be easy, but if you study hard and apply yourself, it will build a foundation of knowledge for anyone looking to enter the medical field or learn more about their own body as they finish another science credit.
Ms. Bacon's Educational Beliefs & Class Norms
- Please have your camera on as much as YOU can
- Take care of your body maturely: “Biology breaks” are necessary sometimes
Plagiarism & Cheating
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in this classroom. There will be a lot of writing in this class. All writing must be original, and written in the student's own words. If words are borrowed from another source, and borrowing is appropriate for the particular task, proper citations must be included. An automatic zero will be given to anyone suspected of cheating or plagiarizing on a school task. Students suspected of cheating or plagiarism will be given a second chance on the first offense, receive a contact home for the behavior, and given a permanent zero on the second offense.
*For in-person instruction: Cell phones are never allowed for use during test days until ALL exams are turned in.
Per the district's requirement, assignments make up 30% of the class grade, and 70% of the final grade is tests and projects. Grades in this class will be standards based. "Standards based" is a phrase used to describe what I will focus on when I grade a particular task, and how it will be entered into the grade book. The biggest difference between standards based grading and traditional grading is that my focus and purpose in grading is more transparent to parents and students.
Under the heading below, titled "Standards Based Course Objectives", you will see all of the items in which you will learn this semester. Although you will do traditional assignments, the grades in the grade book will reflect how well you can articulate, create, describe, and interact with the ideas and tasks below. If you or your parents have questions about how that might look different in the grade book than other classes in the past, please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification. My purpose is not to be more confusing, but rather more transparent.
Need Help?
Office #: (913) 627-7050 ext: 7093
Google Voice #: (785) 816-1418
**My Google Voice # & email are most appropriate during online learning
Standards Based Course Objectives:
Unit #1:Human Structure and Function: Hierarchical Organization & Homeostasis
- HSF 1.1 Describe the basic structures and functions of cells, tissues, organs, and systems as they relate to homeostasis.
- HSF 1.2 Compare relationships among cells, tissue, organs, and systems.
- HSF 1.3 Explain body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities.
- HCDS 3.1 Identify methods to assess vital signs.
- SP 6.1 Use personal protective equipment as appropriate to the environment.
- SP 6.2 Modify the environment to create safe working conditions. Evaluate and modify the environment to create and maintain safe working conditions.
- SP 6.3 Prevent accidents by using proper safety techniques for the prevention of accidents.
- HSR 7.5 Analyze diagrams, charts, graphs and tables to interpret results commonly found in health related fields.
- HSR 7.6 Recognize, organize, write and compile technical information and summaries that relate to health science.
Unit #2: Systems: Regulation, Integration & Control
HSF 1.2 Compare relationships among cells, tissue, organs, and systems.
DD 2.3 Analyze body system changes in light of diseases, disorders, and wellness.
SP 6.1 Use personal protective equipment as appropriate to the environment.
EP 5.1 Explain the importance of confidentiality in health care.
Unit #3: Reproduction, Energy & Maintenance
- HSF 1.2 Compare relationships among cells, tissue, organs, and systems.
- DD 2.3 Analyze body system changes in light of diseases, disorders, and wellness.
- DD 2.2 Analyze methods to control the spread of pathogenic microorganisms
Unit #4: Support, Movement, Transport & Exchange
- HSF 1.2 Compare relationships among cells, tissue, organs, and systems.
- DD 2.3 Analyze body system changes in light of diseases, disorders, and wellness.
- HSF 1.4 Analyze the interdependence of the body systems as they relate to wellness, disease, disorders, therapies, and care rehabilitation.
- DD 2.1 Compare selected diseases/disorders including respective classification(s), causes, diagnoses, therapies, and care/rehabilitation to include biotechnological applications.
- HCDS 3.1 Identify methods to assess vital signs.
- SP 6.1 Use personal protective equipment as appropriate to the environment.
Unit #5: Application of Academic Content to Health Science Careers
- CE 4.1 Identify a variety of careers that use anatomy and physiology knowledge and how it relates to health careers.
- HSR 7.1 Identify content, skills and technology related to the health science field.
- HR 0.0 My middle name is Ann, but you wouldn't know that unless you read the entire syllabus I guess.
- HSR 7.2 Apply mathematical computations related to common health industry procedures.
- HSR 7.3 Apply mathematical principles to conversion equations commonly used in health-related fields.
- HSR 7.4 Apply mathematical principles involving temperature, weights, and measures commonly used in health-related fields.